Betekenis van:
net estate

net estate
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the estate remaining after debts and funeral expenses and administrative expenses have been deducted from the gross estate; the estate then left to be distributed (and subject to federal and state inheritance taxes)



    1. The Commission notes first that the large difference between the book value and the net asset value which the 2008 study evaluating PZL Wrocław had found was due to a significant increase in the value of real estate.
    2. In the Commission’s opinion, the scheme conferred exclusively on the holding companies in question several economic advantages consisting in exceptional exemptions from corporation, withholding, net worth and real estate taxes.
    3. Finland justified the price of the shares in KK in terms of the net value of the assets owned by KK. However, the transaction at issue is not a sale of real estate itself, but the acquisition of shares in a company.
    4. During the negotiation phase following the bidding process, the parties agreed that Ford, the buyer, would obtain through a reorganisation ownership of the industrial assets of Automobile Craiova, DWAR and Mecatim, while the non-core assets (mostly real estate and net excess cash) would be set aside and remain in state ownership.
    5. No contract containing a provision which permits a non-defaulting counterparty to make limited payments only, or no payments at all, to the estate of the defaulter, even if the defaulter is a net creditor (a ‘walkaway’ clause), may be recognised as risk-reducing.
    6. documents demonstrating that the aid has not been repaid out of the non-core industrial assets which are to be transferred to the newly created company owned by AVAS and the minority shareholders (in particular, net excess cash and real estate) as defined in the sale-purchase agreement;
    7. Under the Law of 31 July 1929, exempt 1929 holding companies are not subject to any direct taxes in Luxembourg, such as, for example, corporate income tax (impôt sur le revenu des collectivités), municipal business tax (impôt commercial communal) and net worth tax (taxe sur la valeur nette). They are, however, liable to taxes on capital, such as real estate tax (impôt foncier) and the annual subscription tax (taxe d'abonnement).
    8. Lastly, financial restructuring of PLN 8,411 million net grant equivalent was planned aiming at a debt waiver of about PLN 3,392 million (this mainly involved real estate tax debt to the local authority and smaller amounts owed to the Tax Office and the social insurance institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, hereinafter referred to as ‘ZUS’) and debt rescheduling of PLN 6,014 million to ZUS and the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (Państwowy Fundusz Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych, hereinafter ‘PFRON’) with a net grant equivalent of PLN 5,019 million (PLN 5,001 million (ZUS) + 18000 (PFRON).
    9. This business generated a turnover of EUR 1,25 billion in 2002/2003 (some 6 % of Alstom’s turnover) with a workforce of 6000 employees [4];the T&D unit, excepting the Power Conversion segment, was sold to Areva in September 2003, bringing in EUR 920 million net; the business sold generated a turnover of EUR 3 billion in 2002/2003 (some 14 % of Alstom’s turnover) with a workforce of 24000 employees [5];real estate was sold for a total of EUR 415 million (EUR 267 million before March 2003 and EUR 148 million between March and August 2003); other sales totalling EUR 50 million were still under discussion in December 2003.
    10. Belgium calculated a theoretical maximum benefit of EUR 2035162 per year, i.e. some EUR 9 million net present value over five years. The Flemish authorities, however, have frozen the value of property on the basis of which the tax is calculated at the 1998 level and therefore, the investments would not lead to any higher real estate tax and consequently the exemption would not have a real benefit. It may, however, regain relevance in case of changes to the calculation method of the scheme,
    11. the industrial turbines business was sold to Siemens in April 2003; this brought in EUR 950 million net. This business generated a turnover of EUR 1,25 billion in 2002/2003 (some 6 % of Alstom’s turnover) with a workforce of 6000 employees [4];the T&D unit, excepting the Power Conversion segment, was sold to Areva in September 2003, bringing in EUR 920 million net; the business sold generated a turnover of EUR 3 billion in 2002/2003 (some 14 % of Alstom’s turnover) with a workforce of 24000 employees [5];real estate was sold for a total of EUR 415 million (EUR 267 million before March 2003 and EUR 148 million between March and August 2003); other sales totalling EUR 50 million were still under discussion in December 2003.